Our products with naked root and sod

Fruit plants need a minimum production of 3 years during which rigorous controls are carried out to guarantee a healthy plant free from harmful substances. The plants with bare and rooted roots are generally intended for other nurserymen for re-cultivation or orchard plants.


Fruit plants and roses sold with bare roots are supplied in bundles of 10 and 25 pieces respectively. On each deck we apply a label with a description of the type of product, variety and characteristics.

The entire production process is subject to periodic checks by technicians of the Phytosanitary Service of the Veneto region, which guarantee the certification of healthy plants without harmful organisms in compliance with European standards.
Furthermore, within our company, figures are identified with specific requirements in order to guarantee reliability and competence during the production process.


Vivai Lazzaro, in order to meet the needs of customers, offers the plant system in clods. Fruit plants, and ornamental plants in fact, can be marketed in clods. The plant, at the time of transplanting, leaves a part of the lump (roots and earth) in such a way as to guarantee a safer planting.

Some products

From Vivai Lazzaro to Saonara (PD) we deal with the production of virus-free and C.A.C. (Community Agricultural Compliance). Discover them on the website or come and visit us in our nursery!